I found out that birds were stealing my Black Currants before I could eat them. I decided to try to stop the birds from eating my currants by putting netting over it. First I climbed to the back of the shed over a mattress and some chairs to get the netting. The netting was black and made out of plastic. I started by putting the netting over the Currants and then on the top. I attached the netting onto a wooden pole using a staple gun. I made a secret way to enter so when the currants are ready I can pick them. then I climbed the mattress and the chairs again to put the spare netting back in the shed.
This is the currant bush before I put the netting on.
This is the currants with the netting.
Your blackcurrants are so sour that birds would probably not like it 😂
What a brilliant way to keep the crows out. Hopefully you’ll have lots of currants now you have put netting over the bush to protect it xx
Well done great work you are doing great xxx